Every silver lining has a cloud

Posted on July 4, 2009


So things are great, I haven’t started my new job yet, and the weather has been pretty damned good. Fantastic even. Life in the country side is good.

There is a family of foxes in the next-door field, and we often see the vixen and her two cubs playing silly games, and I’m sure I’ll have some horror stories to report when the hunting starts :(, but until then I’m happy to watch them play. It does also make me wonder about how easy it would be to realise my dream of rearing a few chickens.

I’ve also failed to mention that there are also deer, I’ve seen what looks like a doe and her two children. They are extremely timid, and we only see them from about 20 metres (although about three nights ago she came right up to our fence just as the sun was going down), their camouflage is very good in the uncut long grass, so it is quite hard to spot them, but they are there (deer).  Hoee Hee. A pun.

One of my new rituals has been to clear up the boys toys in the garden after they have gone to bed, last night I got a little caught up in Problem 251 (it really is a tricky little bastard) and finally went to clear up the toys just as it was getting dark, a little later than usual. The farmer had only a few hours earlier cut the other field, so the air was thick with the smell of grass.

That’s when the assault happenened. Luckily I had a (sponge) cricket bat in my hand, but it didn’t stop me from screaming. I heard a muffled THUD and felt an IMPACT on my arm. I screamed. I flayed the bat like a mad man.  WTF was invented for this very occasion. I looked around to see what it was.


I screamed.

A monster.

I shaked my body hard, making certain the little devil spawn was gone and ran inside.

I went to tell K about my ordeal, and asked her if she hadn’t heard me screaming.

She said she hadn’t.  The next bit isn’t too clear, although I do remember not ever being this scared before, certainly not in a city :D.

It was still on ME.


I know what the superhuman strength that Bruce (David[sic]) Banner was trying to tap into. I ripped off my shirt, and heard the buttons scatter like Tic-Tacs on a marble floor.  If I hadn’t stopped smoking I would have chained about 20. Once the beast had been caged. I ran for the camera, I can blog this I shrieked (every cloud has a silver lining).

K took the glass cage off for this photograph.

A cloud ii

A cloud ii

But I was too scared to face him without some protection

A cloud i

A cloud i

I love it here, but sometimes, I do miss the sanitized world of the city.